How can dogs and cats infect humans with echinococcosis? Why is it so dangerous for people?
Как собаки и кошки могут заразить человека эхинококкозом? Чем он так опасен для людей? 16.10.2019

Close contact with animals can lead to big troubles, such as echinococcosis. The greatest danger among domestic animals are cats and dogs; hunting and herding breeds of dogs are especially dangerous.

In turn, dogs and cats can become infected by eating raw meat or internal organs of farm animals. They may contain blisters similar to human blisters. Once in the digestive system, a parasite emerges from the bladder, settles in the intestine, attaches to its mucous membrane, and begins to feed on blood.

A person can become infected through the saliva of animals if pets are allowed to lick a person’s face or hands. Moreover, the prominent segments of the parasite can actively move and attach to the fur of animals. Infection of the body can also occur when cutting the skins of wild animals, eating unwashed berries, herbs, vegetables, and using raw water from contaminated water sources.

The disease is dangerous for humans. The patient is bothered by chest pain, cough, shortness of breath. Cysts form in the organs around the larvae. Echinococcosis can cause such serious complications as suppuration, breakthrough of an hydatid cyst into the pleural, abdominal cavities, large vessels and hollow organs (internal organs of the body).

In this case, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene measures. It is very important to be careful when interacting with dogs: be sure to wash your hands after interacting with them, do not allow them to lick your face, sleep in a person’s bed, and do not allow animals near food. In addition, we must not forget about regular deworming of dogs. Organs affected by echinococcosis found during the slaughter of livestock must be buried deeply or burned; they cannot be taken to a landfill or flushed down the drain. It is strictly forbidden to give internal organs of affected animals to dogs.

Director of the branch
of the RSE on the PVC "National Center of Expertise" of the KKKBTU Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
in the North Kazakhstan region Iseneev K.K.

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